segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2010

Delivery bikes....

The Mad Crazy Badass Delivery Bikes of China

Alain Delorme Totem Bikes | The Adventure Life 
Vietnam is known for its cargo bikes, but these delivery men and women in China make the pedalers of Saigon look like pansies. Photographer Alain Delorme became fascinated with the bike haulers of China, especially how their raw humanness contrasts with the sterility of the country’s booming skyscrapers and yet their towering forms are similar. If you’re a North American bike enthusiast who wants to see fewer cars and trucks and more people-powered transport, the Chinese are inspiring. The irony, of course, is that they’re using bikes by necessity; as soon as they can afford a petroleum vehicle, they will, like every other country on earth, switch.

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